An error handling library based on Shapeless Coproducts, with a focus on type-safety, readability and ergonomic!

Release (


libraryDependencies += "com.github.jatcwang" %% "hotpotato-core" % LATEST_VERSION

Quick Example

In the example below, we’re trying to find an item and then buy it (providing a user ID).

It demonstrates some of the features of this library, such as:

  • Handling errors partially (mapErrorSome)
  • Handling errors exhaustively (mapErrorAllInto)
  • Dying on certain errors (i.e. terminating the whole execution chain)
def findItem(id: String): IO[OneOf2[ItemNotFound, ItemOutOfStock], Item] = 
  IO.fromEither {
    if (id == "itm1") Right(Item(id = "itm1", name = "Teddy Bear"))
    else Left(ItemNotFound().embedInto[OneOf2[ItemNotFound, ItemOutOfStock]])

def buyItem(item: Item, userId: UserId): IO[OneOf3[FraudDetected, InsufficientFunds, NotAuthorized], BoughtItem] = {
  implicit val embedder: Embedder[OneOf3[FraudDetected, InsufficientFunds, NotAuthorized]] =
  IO.fromEither {
    if (userId == "frauduser") {
    } else if (userId == "pooruser") {
    } else {

def findAndBuy(
  itemId: ItemId,
  userId: UserId,
): IO[Nothing, String] = {
  implicit val embedder: Embedder[OneOf3[ItemNotFound, ItemOutOfStock, PurchaseDenied]] =
  (for {
    item <- findItem(itemId).embedError
    boughtItem <- buyItem(item, userId)

                   // Partial handling: converting some errors to another error
                     (e: InsufficientFunds) => PurchaseDenied("You don't have enough funds", e),
                     (e: NotAuthorized) =>
                       PurchaseDenied("You're not authorized to make purchases", e),
                   // Terminate the whole computation if we encounter something fatal
  } yield boughtItem)
    .flatMap(boughtItem => IO.succeed(s"Bought ${}!"))

    // Exhaustive error handling, turning all errors into a user-friendly message
      (_: ItemNotFound)   => IO.succeed("item not found!"),
      (_: ItemOutOfStock) => IO.succeed("item out of stock"),
      (e: PurchaseDenied) => IO.succeed(s"Cannot purchase item because: ${e.msg}"),

zioRuntime.unsafeRunSync(findAndBuy(itemId = "invalid_itm_id", userId = "user1"))
// res0: Exit[Nothing, String] = Success("item not found!")
zioRuntime.unsafeRunSync(findAndBuy(itemId = "itm1", userId           = "pooruser"))
// res1: Exit[Nothing, String] = Success(
//   "Cannot purchase item because: You don't have enough funds"
// )
zioRuntime.unsafeRunSync(findAndBuy(itemId = "itm1", userId           = "frauduser")).toEither
// res2: Either[Throwable, String] = Left(
//   FiberFailure(
//     Traced(
//       Die(repl.Session$App$FraudDetected),
//       ZTrace(
//         Id(1584095467171L, 2L),
//         List(
//           SourceLocation(
//             "ErrorTrans.scala",
//             "hotpotato.ZioErrorTransThrow",
//             "extractAndThrow",
//             109
//           ),
//           SourceLocation("ZIO.scala", "zio.ZIO", "bimap", 213),
//           SourceLocation("ZIO.scala", "zio.ZIO$", "fromEither", 2577),
//           SourceLocation(
//             "",
//             "repl.Session$App$$anonfun$buyItem$1",
//             "apply",
//             60
//           ),
//           SourceLocation(
//             "",
//             "repl.Session$App$$anonfun$findAndBuy$1",
//             "apply",
//             77
//           ),
//           SourceLocation("ZIO.scala", "zio.ZIO", "bimap", 213),
//           SourceLocation("ZIO.scala", "zio.ZIO$", "fromEither", 2577),
//           SourceLocation(
//             "",
//             "repl.Session$App$$anonfun$findItem$1",
//             "apply",
//             53
//           )
//         ),
//         List(
//           SourceLocation("ZIO.scala", "zio.ZIO", "bimap", 213),
//           SourceLocation(
//             "",
//             "repl.Session$App$$anonfun$findAndBuy$2",
//             "apply",
//             96
//           ),
//           SourceLocation(
//             "ErrorTransSyntax.scala",
//             "hotpotato.ErrorTransSyntax$ErrorTransCoproductOps3",
//             "flatMapErrorAllInto",
//             165
// ...
zioRuntime.unsafeRunSync(findAndBuy(itemId = "itm1", userId           = "gooduser"))
// res3: Exit[Nothing, String] = Success("Bought Teddy Bear!")