Difflicious helps you find and compare the differences between values.

Release (https://badges.gitter.im/gitterHQ/gitter.png)

  • Readable diff results
  • Flexible diffing logic
    • Ignore unimportant fields when comparing
    • Compare Lists of items independent of order
    • Match Map entries by key and show diffs of the values
  • Integration with test frameworks and popular libraries


If you’re using the MUnit test framework:

// == SBT ==
"com.github.jatcwang" %% "difflicious-munit" % "0.4.3" 
// == Mill == 

If you’re using ScalaTest test framework:

// == SBT ==
"com.github.jatcwang" %% "difflicious-scalatest" % "0.4.3" 
// == Mill == 